June 8th can't come quick enough. At least that's when I heard the release date is for the new Garmin Forerunner 310xt. Orange (to match the bike) AND it's waterproof and transmits data wirelessly. Pretty cool. Now I just need the high tech elite body to match this kind of cool gear! ;-) Hopefully Garmin can help. My quest is kicking off this year with a 5k at the end of the month. And a tri in July. So, I know where my B-day money is going. Any suggestions for spending some extra $$$ at Sur La Table? What would you get for $50?
Picking Possibilities (for me) include: Grider attachment for my kitchenaid mixer, Bodum "Assam" teapot, KitchenArt Meassuring tools, a Butter Bell, Pastry Cloth, French & Balloon Whisks... hmmm too many things to ponder. Obviously I like cooking. I can't decide. Wanna Help? I'd love to hear what you'd get.
9 years ago