Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Loss of wisdom...

...Teeth, that is. Well today was the day. My retarded wisdom teeth finally came through this year and today was the day that I had to get them extracted. I'm having some pain, my face feels puffy, and overall feel a bit run down (maybe from the Vicodin?), but overall I'm probably doing a lot better than expected.

Fortunately, I only had two wisdom teeth and not all four. My uppers were removed rather quickly... but the left one was trickier than the right. So, I've been at home recovering.

Don't believe my wife's blog. It's not like this has been peachy for me. She may be showing pics of me playing games (which is true), but she didn't show the pics of me icing my head down as I lay in bed for a while.


Melissa's been an awesome helpmate. Not only did she drive me home, but she picked up my meds, did the grocery shopping for us, made me a "special diet needs" dinner (mmmm... mashed potatoes and pistachio pudding for dessert! It was pretty tasty! :-), but she also got me a really sweet card and this balloon:

It's hard not to be happy when there's a smile in the room, and balloon or not... Melissa usually brings me a smile :-)


PS I just can't wait until I can chew again. :-D

And, for the curious....

my teeth pic (they're LITTLE! about the size of baby molars. ) Cleaned up.... but still fair warning if you don't want to see them....

then don't scroll down! :-)

1 comment:

Melissa-D said...


And that's the TOOTH!