Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cracks me up!

I know, I know, I don't blog nearly enough as I should. Melissa is always encouraging me to "write a blog about it!" and "you gotta seize the moment!" So this morning, I've been inspired :-)

My wife can make me giggle and giggle. She is VERY funny and this morning she made me laugh.

She informed that she was going to go into the kitchen this morning to bake a cake that she needs to take to work tomorrow and from the other room I hear,

"Awwwwww CRAP!"
"It's BOILED!!!" (see exhibit A... above)
<I commenced giggling>

"You should label these for me or something so I'll know!", she said.
(even though these are the same eggs that I boiled for her and informed her which carton was which:-)

Here is exhibit B (note the brown shells):

And in a valient effort to serve my wife, below is my feeble attempt at helping the said problem of sleepy-headed-egg-mis-identification:

(hee hee! more giggling...)
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1 comment:

Anne said...

HILARIOUS!!! Well written, Greg!