Today has been a good day. I got up and set out on a run this morning at 6:30(ish). It hurt and I walked a lot of it, but it felt good to just be out there and get back on track with my training schedule. When I got home I weighed in at the lowest I've weighed in years! Course, not low enough that I'm gonna post it here mind you ;-)
Anyway, success was how I felt the day begin.
I went to the Between Jobs Ministry (or "BJM" as it's called) and it was
very encouraging to me. I was reminded of how I am valuable and how God has a plan. Those two things are SO powerful and yet, I don't believe hardly anyone (let alone myself) is reminded nearly often enough of those facts.
So, I got a card today which closed with some scripture and these two statements.
"Smile. You have God's seal of approval." I teared up at the very notion... and I did. Smile, that is. May it encourage you also.
... even if you don't know all the answers, or know exactly where the next step may land you. God knows and hopefully that's enough to comfort you.