Monday, July 7, 2008


After the 4th, we decided to continue the festivities by having people over the next day. We grilled a bunch of food, played games, and then once it got dark enough... we lit fireworks.

I probably didn't have to deal with the mosquitos as much as others because I was moving a lot going to and from the "launch pad." We had a pretty good time. Not as many people showed up as we had hoped, but we still had fun.

I think I get dissappointed a lot due to expectations. I'd probably a lot more easier going and more flexible if my expectations didn't have a prerequisite of being met. Life is a lot more dynamic than my static preconceived notions of what it will be.

Last night, I just wept because I was focused on the struggles of what is going on right now, but... as I prayed through all of this I found that God was redirecting my thoughts. I found myself being more and more content with what I've already been given. And, there is SO MUCH to anticipate and look forward to! I found my tears of strife being turned into tears of joy. There is SO much to celebrate in life... May you celebrate it today and embrace whatever comes up no matter what the expectations are ;-)
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1 comment:

Anne said...

Greg, your realizations about expectations are great. You're right, one's expectations make a huge difference in how one reacts to a given situation. I like what you've started doing with me regarding clarifying expectations. That helps immensely! Thanks.
