Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wait 'til I POP!

This is chase...
...A major banking corporation with a problem. Namely, sometimes they apparently don't always know which account to draw on... As in, they paid my escrow account with someone else's account resulting in an error in excess of eleven hundred dollars.

This is an apology note....
Apparently, this "World Class" apology note got signed by a 5-yr-old by the looks of the signature. Maybe that accounts for the lack of understanding of proper accounting and how escrow accounts work.

This is a gift basket from Chase...

These are the contents of said gift basket...

Did you notice the "official" Chase calculator...

That way, I will be "officially" equipped to calculate their errors in the future.

This is the packing material in said gift basket. Are these possibly the shredded documents from other mishaps? Submitted for your discretion.

So, after spending over two weeks, several phone calls, and many hours of my time, things are getting settled. I'm glad that all of my time and energy spent is worth a few snacks and a coffee mug to Chase. THANK YOU!!!!!! (tongue planted deeply in cheek). Wanna know the most fun thing out of all of this???

BUBBLE WRAP!!!!!! :-)


Melissa-D said...

I had a lot of fun with the bubble wrap too!

Maybe we should call Chase and tell them to forget the gift basket...we want more BUBBLE WRAP!

Lisa said...

So I take it you guys are home free? AWESOME!!!