Sunday, September 7, 2008

God's gifting...

First of all, let me say how much of a gift my wife is to me. God has blessed me BIG time with her! :-) She's is my number one fan, my supporter, my partner (in everything), my cheerleader, my friend, my sister-in-Christ, my encourager, my iron to sharpen me, and lately... my teacher.

Melissa is a pro at laughter. It was one of the VERY first things that I noticed about her- her laugh. She knows how to seize the moment for spontaneous silliness. In a lot of ways I need to learn how to lighten up and if I could sit back and just observe her joy.... well, it'd help me let go of life's weighty-ness for just long enough to want to join in the dance with her. One of my favorite things and when she just throws her hands in the air and says "Pick me up!" Although, most of the time... there doesn't even need to be a word exchanged for us to both know what is said. If there is one thing in common that we have, it is how to have fun.... Okay, two things- also, our unspoken language that is ours alone. *smile*

I don't get to laugh with her nearly as much as I would like to, and I think that if there was more time for playtime we'd both be all the richer for it.

She makes me laugh. What better gift could I receive? Well, maybe making her laugh :-)


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